It is with much sadness that we announce that Bob Monro has recently passed away. He was the first person that Professor Michael Hopkins, co-founder of the IRL, met and befriended in Kenya. He was key in bringing the United Nations to Kenya. He then formed the first social development in Kenya through his creation of the Matahare Youth and Sports Association (MYSA). That led to the formation of the Matahare Youth Football Club, a highly successful team. He was a great and sympathetic man who will be sorely missed.
New presentation
Keynote address at the KENCTAD Sustainability Conference on 1st September 2023
By Mike Eldon
Directors, Boards and Existential Threats
By Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas
New Book
The National Health Services of Western Europe: Challenges, Reforms and Future Perspectives
by Prof. Mike Saks
Recent Book
A Key Idea for Business and Society
by Prof. Mike Saks
Recent book
Responsible Leadership
Essential to the Achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
by Prof. Mike Saks
Reviewing Yoga’s Role in Relation to Contemporary Collective Concerns
By Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas
The spread of Yoga in various forms beyond the context in which it originated raises questions concerning whether in addition to its adoption and practice by individuals and for individual treatment and support, alone or in combination with complementary contributions, it might also benefit collective responses to shared environmental challenges and existential threats, and key decision makers such as business leaders and directors who have an important role to play in formulating them, and whether its contribution might be enhanced by incorporating other elements of Indian ancient wisdom that relate to respecting and protecting the environment and living in harmony with the natural world.
A further question for those concerned with Yoga is whether they should influence aspects of its development purpose and practice, if they are in a position to do so and this would enhance its utility and relevance and increase its contribution, rather than allowing it to evolve in the marketplace.
Read the full article here.
IRL webinar
Youth leaders, social media and responsible leadership
Watch the recording of our latest webinar, organised in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Preparing the youth to be responsible leaders
By Mike Eldon
The Institute for Responsible Leadership (where I am a co-founder) recently partnered with UNITAR (the United Nations Institute for Training and Research) with whom IRL collaborates closely) to broadcast a webinar on youth and responsible leadership.
Keynote speaker Sebastian Hofbauer talked about how youth have become significant “influencers” through the use of social media – some positive, but many not so. The latter are primarily in it for the size of their following and the revenue they therefore generate.
So we need government regulation, he suggested, but also self-regulation, this in partnership with the private sector and including through the UN Global Compact. Much helpful food for thought.
In my contribution as a panelist, I focused on two youth organisations with which I have been closely involved since the late 1970s. Both have been spectacularly successful at developing highly responsible young leaders – many of whom have gone on to occupy the highest positions of leadership in Kenya and way beyond.
The first one I spoke about was Rotaract, the young persons’ Rotary, where young adults aged 18 and over join – as in Rotary itself – to offer service while enjoying each other’s friendship, and where they also develop their leadership skills, not least through learning by doing.
There’s no better way of accelerating one’s development and one’s career than by joining such volunteer organisations, and the earlier one does so the better.
This article originally appeared in Business Daily
Undertaking Corporate Governance Reviews
By Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas
CSR at Inflection Point:
Board's Strategy for Maximising Impact and Triple bottom-line Growth
By Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas
Membership of most human communities and societies, and those of many other species, appears linked to expectations of behavior that other members consider acceptable and responsible. It comes with obligations and there may be costs for those who do not meet them. Over time, expectations and what might be accepted or tolerated can change. In periods of crisis and stress, they should not be taken for granted. With mankind facing a number of inter-related challenges, and imminent tipping points after which it may be too late to avoid catastrophe, have we reached an inflection point in relation to a board’s strategy for maximizing impact and achieving responsible and sustainable bottom-line growth?
Adieu to one of the greatest: A Tribute to Hazel Henderson
By Dr Michael Hopkins, Co-Founder, IRL
It is with great regret I write these words for my late friend of a week ago in May 2022, Hazel Henderson, mentor and inspiration for many of my ideas on CSR and Sustainability.
I was a member of her Ethical Markets Global Advisory Board and Judges Panel for at least four decades and Hazel also contributed to my course on CSR at the University of Geneva via video. I never visited her at her home, to my great regret, in Florida despite many invitations. So sorry Hazel, one of my deepest regrets.
She was also very persistent in advocating her ideas on improving the human condition and was very well known in the USA for her work. A friend of Robert Kennedy, I always cited her flight with him over New York over half a century ago, for some reason, since the Kennedys were also exceptional people.
I cite Ravi Chaudhry writings that her achievements and the rich legacy of knowledge and wisdom she leaves for posterity will certainly be long cherished and continue to be the guiding lighthouses in every domain of human endeavor. She always aimed for the best - nothing but the best that could possibly be conceived.
Happily she joined us at IRL but we never finalised joining details to our great regret.
People like her are rare, and all of us who knew her, and worked with her, were truly fortunate.
Rest in peace - Dearest Hazel.
Dr Michael Hopkins, Co-Founder, IRL
Combatting Climate Change: Opportunities for Directors and Boards
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
Click on the image or here to read the full article.
Reviewing Corporate Purpose and Changing Direction
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
Click on the image or here to read the full article.
Evaluating Director and Board Effectiveness
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
Management services practitioners use a variety of approaches, methodologies and techniques to analyse, assess and improve the productivity and performance of groups, activities and operations in different settings and contexts. Assignments may be commissioned in public, private, professional and voluntary sector organisations. Depending upon the brief or terms of reference, experienced professionals often encounter similar issues in different settings. This may also be the case with board evaluations.
Click on the image or here to read the full article.
Implications of COP 26 for Directors and Boards
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
A COP 26 reality check was the Climate Action Tracker assessment that pledges made would result in a temperature rise of 2.4 C from pre-industrial levels by 2100, rather than the hoped for 1.5 C. If 2030 pledges are not delivered the rise could be higher. If all pledges were met it would still be 1.8 C. A last minute change of wording that coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels, be 'phased down' rather than 'phased out' will disappoint most of the 197 parties and other delegations that attended COP 26. It represents a death sentence for many island nations, and unless there is more ambition going forward could be calamitous for current and future generations. However, COP decisions are by consensus and India which proposed the change and China which supported it together account for a third of the global population.
Combating Climate Change: Opportunities for Directors and Boards
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
We are at a critical moment in human history. The pre COP 26 UN Climate Change Synthesis Report on Nationally Determined Contributions to achieving the Paris Agreement targets suggested these will not be sufficient to contain global temperature rise to 2% above pre-industrial levels. Rather than bring the increase down to 1.5%, without further action the steps countries announced look set to result in global warming at catastrophic levels.
Responsible Business Strategy and Corporate Leadership
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
Mankind might be better placed to address shared and interrelated existential challenges and associated opportunities if more boards ensured corporate purpose and the formulation and execution of strategy were responsible and aligned. Some business leaders find it difficult to effectively respond to rapidly changing situations and circumstances.
The full publication is available upon request.
IRL supported CSR/Sustainability Meetup Worldwide
Our post COVID working environment is transforming not only the corporate world, but the entire context for public-private cooperation. Some of us were already exploring this policy space in a CSR group initially founded ten years ago by Michael Hopkins at the University of Geneva. Our objective was to promote intellectual exchange of ideas and good practice between top professionals drawn from academia, the UN, private industry, NGO's and social enterprises. The group's scope has gradually widened from its Geneva origins to Meetup groups around the world numbering around 10,000 members. Today, the Meetups work with hubs such as CSRFi ( ( ), Globethics ( ), IICSR in India , selected Universities in Kenya and South Africa.
We meet virtually every two weeks on a Wednesday (1230pm New York, 1730 London, 1830 Geneva, 2030 Nairobi, 2300 Mumbai/New Delhi check out
Critical Decisions and Existential Choices for Future Strategic Direction
by Coulson-Thomas, Colin
Director Today, Vol. VII Issue 3, March, pp 21-24
Click on the image or here to read the full article.
New Publication by IRL Honoured Fellow PROFESSOR COLIN COULSON-THOMAS
COVID-19, Virtual Operation and the Implications for Productivity
20 January 2020
COVID-19 lockdowns, local restrictions and consequential slowdowns and/or recessions, have resulted in new ways of working and operating and related changes to business models and priorities. Could they be a significant building block in efforts to improve productivity?
Download the full article by IRL Honoured Fellow Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas!
IRL Co-Hosts Webinar on “The Impact of Coronavirus on the Higher Education Sector”
9 April 2020
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNITAR, in partnership with the IRL, hosted a special Virtual Roundtable discussion on the current priorities pertaining to our education systems, the next action steps to take and what to consider for the long-term consequences this will have on the transformation of our teaching methodologies.
The Virtual Roundtable hosted international education experts from six different countries to discuss the relevant questions and next steps pertaining to the unprecedented global health crisis. The IRL was represented by its Founding Member Professor Mike Saks.
The presentations delivered by the panelists can be downloaded by clicking on the image below.
World Academy Fellowship for Honoured Fellow of Institute for Responsible Leadership
20 February 2020
Prof Colin Coulson-Thomas, an honoured fellow of the UN supported Institute for Responsible Leadership, has become a Fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Science. Fellowship of the academy is to honour those “who have made a significant contribution to the world through their promotion of productivity science and practice”. According to his formal notification, Colin joins “a distinguished group of people who have committed significant portions of their lives to helping to raise the living standards of people across the globe through productivity”.
Colin’s citation from the World Academy reads: “Colin Coulson-Thomas has been elected to the World Academy of Productivity Science by virtue of significant and long-lasting contributions to the improvement of quality of work, quality of work life, quality of life and productivity”. The World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS) is part of the World Confederation of Productivity Science whose motto is Peace and Prosperity through Productivity. There are a maximum of 500 Fellows in the world at any one time.
The 2019 international announcement of new fellows was made at a symposium cum induction ceremony for new fellows in Beijing. Because of his speaking and other commitments at the 2019 London Global Convention on Corporate Governance and Sustainability the UK announcement of Colin’s fellowship was made by Ashok Kapur, the Director General of India’s Institute of Directors which organises the convention. In China Professor Mike Dillon, the new Chairman of the World Confederation of Productivity Science, accepted the award of WAPS Fellowship on Colin’s behalf.
Colin’s election as a fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Science is welcomed by Dr Andrew Muir, chairman of the Institute of Management Services of which Colin is President. Dr Muir described him as “a world renowned expert on business transformation and a champion of the productivity message, particularly in relation to sustainability and the environment.” Colin recently celebrated 25 years of leading the International Governance Initiative of the Order of St Lazarus and 25 years of various international professorial roles since becoming the World’s first professor of corporate transformation in 1994.
Colin has advised directors and boards in over 40 countries. An experienced vision holder of transformation programmes and the author of over 60 books and reports, Colin has held public board appointments at local, regional and national level and professorial roles in Europe, North and South America, Africa, the Middle East, India and China. He is a fellow of seven chartered bodies and obtained first place prizes in the final exams of three professions. Colin holds a Global Excellence Award in Renewable Energy from the Energy and Environment Foundation and obtained a CSR Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2018 CSR Leadership Summit organised by India’s largest CSR network.
Launch of the IRL
15 October 2019

A very successful launch of the IRL took place on Thursday 10 October 2019 at the University of Westminster which hosted the event. There was representation from leaders in the public and private sectors from several countries. We were delighted to welcome Alex Mejia as our guest speaker who represented the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) which has supported and endorsed the IRL.
Breaking News
Energy and Environment Foundation 2019 Global Excellence Award for Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas in Renewable Energy
Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas has received the Energy and Environment Foundation’s 2019 Global Excellence Award in Renewable Energy for his “vision, leadership and outstanding contribution and for demonstrating excellence in the Renewable Energy Sector”. The award was presented by HE Mr Upendra Tripathy, Interim Director General of the Solar Alliance in New Delhi during the combined inaugural ceremony of the 10th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress and 3rd World Water Summit. After
agreeing to attend the congress as a plenary, keynote and valedictory speaker Colin was delighted to be notified of the Foundation’s nomination by its chairman Anil Razdan, President of the Indian Energy Forum and Former Power Secretary, Government of India.
Selected recent papers/presentations
by Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas
Fellow of the Institute for Responsible Leadership
entrepreneurship and family business success
The Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Wisdom
Corporate Leadership for an Uncertain and Cynical Age
Leadership Challenge of Multitasking and Multiple Time Scales
Corporate Leadership and Corporate Governance
Leadership for changing times
Collaborative leadership for creative environmental strategy
Board leadership of innovation